Pilgrim’s siblings, First Gold and Herald are both dwarf hop varieties, Pilgrim however is not. A cultivar of Wye College, England, Pilgram displays first-rate bittering qualities in addition to favorable aroma and flavor characteristics. It was released in the year 2000. Considered round and full bodied with classic English-style bitterness, its complex flavor and aroma have been likened to grassy …
Pioneer has a classic English aroma and mild-tempered bittering despite its very high cohumulone levels. It is considered more than suitable for use at any point in the brewing process. It was bred at Wye College from Omega and is a sister to Herald. On the palate It features clean, refreshing bittering and an aroma profile of lemon and grapefruit …
Herald hops were one of a first wave of dwarf hops introduced to the industry. It was released in 1996 alongside sisters Pilgrim and Pioneer. Some brewers were initially reluctant to use Herald despite its clean bitterness and a nice nose of orange and grapefruit. Today Herald is employed by a multitude of craft breweries, particularly in the UK. Want …