Released in 1989, Mount Hood is an American-bred cultivar stemming from Hallertau Mittelfrüher. Popular among American craft brewers, it makes a good aroma hop, with characteristics similar to a Hallertau or Hersbrucker and is also half-sister to Crystal, Ultra and Liberty. It features a pleasant noble hop aroma and has been noted to impart somewhat of a flavor “punch” when …
Amarillo™ VGXP01
Amarillo™ VGXP01 hops are used worldwide where its ultra-high myrcene content creates a delicious orange citrus flavor. A varietal of Virgil Gamache Farms, Inc. Amarillo™ VGXP01 is highly acidic, making it a perfect choice for for ESB’s and Pale Ales. Want this hop? Browse our recommended stockists below. Also Known As Characteristics Orange citrus flavor Purpose Aroma Alpha Acid Composition …