Released in 2002, Saphir features elements of spice and fruit amid refined citrus notes of tangerine. It is considered well suited to Belgian Whites as well as Pilsners and German Lagers.
Bred at the Hop Research Center in Hüll, the initial goal of its creators was to produce a more commercially viable alternative to Hallertau Mittelfrüh through increased disease resistance and the retention of Hallertau’s noble characteristics. In that capacity, Saphir would most certainly be considered a success.
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Also Known As | Sapphire |
Characteristics | Sweet citrus aromas with hints of tangerine |
Purpose | Aroma |
Alpha Acid Composition | 2%-4.5% |
Beta Acid Composition | 4%-7% |
Co-Humulone Composition | 12%-17% |
Country | Germany |
Cone Size | |
Cone Density | |
Seasonal Maturity | Early |
Yield Amount | 1600-1900 kg/hectare (1427-1695 lbs/acre) |
Growth Rate | |
Resistant to | |
Susceptible to | |
Storability | |
Ease of Harvest | |
Total Oil Composition | 0.8-1.4 mL/100g |
Myrcene Oil Composition | 25%-40% |
Humulene Oil Composition | 20%-30% |
Caryophyllene Oil | 9%-14% |
Farnesene Oil | < 1% |
Substitutes | Hallertau, Hallertau Tradition, Spalter Select |
Style Guide | Pilsner, Lager |
Where to Buy Saphir HopsAs a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries. |
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