Cascade (US)

Pioneered in the 1950’s by Jack Horner and his team at Oregon State University, Cascade hops have since gone on to become one of the most popular American hops of all time. Released in 1972, Cascade now represents around 10% of all hops grown in the United States.


It features excellent vigor and yield and when brewed exudes a distinct spicy citrus aroma with hints of grapefruit. Well suited to just about any ale and lager, its use is particularly popular in American Pale Ales. Its relatively poor storage stability tends to be a non-issue with its popularity and subsequent large production volumes from major US breweries ensuring harvests don’t sit idle for long.

Cascade was originally developed through open pollination of English variety Fuggle and the Russian variety Serebrianka and is named after the Cascade Range, mountains that run from northern California all the way north to British Columbia, Canada.

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Also Known As
Characteristics Floral, with elements of citrus and notes of grapefruit
Purpose Bittering & Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition 4.5%-8.9%
Beta Acid Composition 3.6%-7.5%
Co-Humulone Composition 33%-40%
Country US
Cone Size Medium
Cone Density Compact
Seasonal Maturity Mid
Yield Amount 2017-2465 kg/hectare (1800-2200 lbs/acre)
Growth Rate Moderate to high
Resistant to
Susceptible to Some resistance to downy mildew and verticillium wilt
Storability Retains 48%-52% alpha acid after 6 months storage at 20ºC (68ºF)
Ease of Harvest Difficult
Total Oil Composition 0.8-1.5 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition 45%-60%
Humulene Oil Composition 8%-16%
Caryophyllene Oil 4%-6%
Farnesene Oil 4%-8%
Substitutes Centennial, Amarillo, Columbus, Ahtanum
Style Guide Barley Wine, American Pale Ale, Ale, Lager

Where to Buy Cascade (US) Hops

As a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries.

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