Magnum (US)

Magnum is grown on limited acreage in the US but what is produced has an excellent bittering profile and a nice, hoppy, floral aroma and subtle characters of citrus. Though genetically indistinguishable from the original German Magnum, some subtleties undoubtedly exist through varied growing conditions between the two countries. Both hops however are largely considered to be totally interchangeable.


The original German-grown Magnum was released in 1980 and hails from the German Hop Institute in Hull. It is considered to be notably good for strong ales like IPA’s and Imperial beers but is also said to shine well in Lagers and Pilsners.

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Also Known As Yakima Magnum
Characteristics Clean bittering, light citrus flavor
Purpose Bittering
Alpha Acid Composition 10%-14%
Beta Acid Composition 4.5%-7%
Co-Humulone Composition 24%-30%
Country US
Cone Size
Cone Density
Seasonal Maturity
Yield Amount
Growth Rate
Resistant to
Susceptible to
Ease of Harvest
Total Oil Composition 1.9-3.0 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition
Humulene Oil Composition
Caryophyllene Oil
Farnesene Oil
Substitutes Magnum, Horizon, Northdown, Northern Brewer
Style Guide American Pale Ale, American India Pale Ale, Strong Ale, American Lager

Where to Buy Magnum (US) Hops

As a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries.

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